Becoming a patron of LA CHAMBRE means investing in a process of creation, transmission and work in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. It means engaging with the artistic director in the development of new, multidisciplinary projects alongside talented and multicultural artists.
It also means supporting the growth of the Les BaroQuiales, Early Music Festival, and participating every summer to the blossom of a rich, divers and European acclaimed cultural event, in a protected heritage and patrimony in the Roya Bevera.
All donors benefit from the legal tax deductions for sponsorship by individuals or companies (66% income tax reduction, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income, for individuals*, and a company tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the donation, up to a limit of 0.5% of turnover, for companies).
* The value of the consideration offered in exchange for the donation must not exceed 25% of the amount of the donation, subject to a flat-rate limit of €73.
Help us develop our projects and actions
To join an approach of excellence and contribute:
- to the implementation and creation of artistic productions ;
- to the implementation and creation of educational projects ;
- to the publishing of discographic projects (CD-DVD) ;
- to the infrastructural development of the festival and its spread in the Roya-Bevera ;
- to the distribution and promotion of our programs in France and internationally.
Institutions and partners
La Chambre & Le Festival des Baroquiales is supported by the State through the DRAC PACA, by the DEPARTEMENT des Alpes-Maritimes, by the Region SUD, by the Community of agglomeration CARF, and by the cities of Sospel, Garches, Breil, Saorge. Depending on its project, it receives also support from ADAMI, SPEDIDAM, the Centre National de la Musique and the Institut Français.
La Chambre & Le Festival des Baroquiales regularly collaborates with the Cathedrale of Monaco and the Archdiocese, with the Concervatoire Départemental de Region PACA.
French tax system is today one of the most generous system ever seen in favor of charitable giving. This system is the heir of a very long effort made by private foundations towards the recognition of their social utility beside public action.
Example of donation and tax reduction* for and individual
1. A donation of 500 euros only amounts to 217 euros after tax reduction of your income tax
2. A donation of 3 000 euros only amounts to 1 178 euros after tax reduction of your income tax
3. A donation of 5 000 euros only amounts to 1 938 euros after tax reduction of your income tax
* Avantage fiscal : selon la loi du 1er août 2003 en faveur du mécénat des particuliers, 66% du montant de votre don est déductible de l’impôt sur le revenu 2022, dans la limite annuelle de 20% du revenu imposable, pour tout résident fiscal en France, et pour tout don effectué avant le 31 décembre 2024.
Example of donation and tax reduction* for a company :
1. A donation of 5000 euros only amounts to 2000 euros after tax reduction of your income business tax
2. A donation of 10 000 euros only amounts to 4 000 euros after tax reduction of your income business tax
3. A donation of 20 000 euros only amounts to 8 000 euros after tax reduction of your income business tax
* Avantage fiscal : selon la loi du 1er août 2003 en faveur du mécénat des entreprises, 60%
du montant de votre don (40% pour les dons supérieurs à 1 million d’euros) est déductible de l’impôt sur les sociétés 2023,
dans la limite de 0,5 % du chiffre d’affaires annuel hors-taxes. Nous vous enverrons un reçu fiscal correspondant
You will receive a tax receipt issued within the limits of regulations for the amount of your donation.
For all our European benefactors, we are part of the TGE (Transnational Giving Europe) system, with regard to the legislation of the country of residence.
meet other passionate members during private events in beautiful venues
attend rehearsals and discover behind the scenes
meet and discuss with the artists and soloists
benefit from exclusive offers and VIP invitations
and tailor-made offers (private concerts)
be visible
with your name and your company's on our communication medias
Contact chargée Mécénat
Isabelle Blanc
+33 (0)6 09 30 24 19
Email Club Mécène
Bulletin d'adhesion
Via Bank transfer
IBAN / FR76 3000 3040 6700 0372 6724 825
Online via Helloasso
by bank check
order at :
Association LA CHAMBRE
17 rue des Quatre Vents, La Lorraine
92 380 GARCHES